First you need to have already integrated PushMonetization in to your site. To view that article click here
If you would like to hook into the events when a user subscribes or when a user denies a subscription you can use the following javascript code.
function pushMonetizationEvents(event){
if(event == 'SUBSCRIBED'){
//Do something when user subscribes
}else if(event == 'DENIED'){
//Do something when user denies
Place this javascript code on every page where you have also place the PushMonetization integration code.
Is User Subscribed
If you would like to know if the current user on your website is subscribed or not please use this function.
//user is subscribed
console.log('User is subscribed');
//user is NOT subscribed
console.log('User is NOT subscribed');
Place this javascript code on every page where you have also place the PushMonetization integration code.